Become a Top Producer
6-week online group coaching
Become a Top Producer! Close more sales and attract more clients to your business!
This program will include prospecting, closing techniques and tapping into your personal power.
You will participate in a weekly LIVE ZOOM video conference call (will be recorded if you need to miss one).
Receive a one-to-one phone conversation and text/email support from me during the program.
PLUS an additional 2 weeks.
Exclusive Private Facebook group is included for you to post questions and feedback with personal interaction with me during the program.
PLUS an additional 2 weeks.
- Week 1: Understanding your 6 core needs and how they determine your results.
- Week 2: Interrupting self-sabotaging behavior patterns and replacing with new high level pathways within your zone of genius.
- Week 3: Creating your top productivity using your personal drivers and new power systems.
- Week 4: Identifying your client’s core needs to build rapport, connect quickly and increase closing ratios.
- Week 5: Strategic plan with your Wheel of Life goals and breaking through personal and professional barriers to optimize your life.
- Week 6: Implementation map for the next 12 months including 3-month and 6-month markers. Open Q & A, complimentary text and email support available for an extra 2 weeks.
*Includes a complimentary copy of the “Top Producer’s Closing Guide”.
Limited to 10 participants per group!
Total Value: $1,375 Special Package Pricing: $597
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Package Pricing
A $1,375 Value!